The last week of summer term saw the introduction of our new annual competition ‘The Great Philpots Bake Off’. The children were tasked with designing and baking a showpiece in their class teams with this year’s theme being ‘Philpots’.
The resulting bakes were a delectable feast to both the eyes and the tummies of the whole school who turned out to see Paul’s Class become the first winners of the bake off trophy with their ‘Super Mega Pineapple Cake’! Our judges this year were Darin, Louise and our special guest judge ‘MasterChef: The Professionals’ and ‘National Chef of the Year’ winner Steve Groves, who kindly donated his time in exchange for chocolate and plenty of cake!
We are all super proud of the children who demonstrated many of our core school values in taking part and working so hard. Well done to all involved!