Safeguarding Team

Deputy Head Pastoral (Social & Emotional Development) and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Head Teacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Wellbeing Mentor & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Wellbeing Mentor & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

News & Stories

Half-Term Traditional Bonfire

We celebrated the end of half-term with our traditional bonfire, hot chocolates and delicious cakes. Happy half-term everyone!

Priors Farm Equine Clinic

On Thursday 3rd October one of our class groups called 'Haflingers' went to visit Priors Farm Equine Clinic, based in Forest Row. They were

Plumpton College Taster Day

Our Upper School students recently attended a taster day at Plumpton College. This gave our students a fantastic opportunity to explore a range of subjects and

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