Philpots Manor School believes in a holistic approach to learning in a safe, happy and dynamic environment that empowers children and young people to develop their knowledge, skills, creativity, social communication and flexible thinking. Our personalised pathways enable each and every learner to move into adulthood, employment and lifelong learning with confidence.
To be an outstanding school that empowers each and every learner to channel their interests, talents and passions to become independent, educated, skilled and respectful citizens who are equipped to live happy, sociable and fulfilled lives.
To provide quality assured aspirational educational pathways to meet the needs of all learners.
To equip all learners to develop a personalised set of strategies to help them self-regulate in a range of social situations that they may find challenging.
To ensure that good emotional health is at the heart of a thoughtful and robust pastoral programme.
Leaders, Staff and pupils understand and behave as responsible citizens who recognise and celebrate individual and collective achievements in their communities.
Mutual Respect, Compassion and Kindness, Responsibility, Creativity and Innovation, Resilience, Integrity.