

Philpots Manor School provides day placements for children and young people aged 7-19 years old for 36 weeks of the year.

Our focus is to provide experiences that parallel the mainstream provision with the additional focus on therapeutic programmes and a heavy emphasis on wellbeing, social skills and life skills.

Students are admitted on consideration of papers (EHCP, reports from key professionals, previous school reports etc.), assessments and observations completed at the meet and greet interviews and taster sessions. This is to ensure that the school can suitably meet the needs of the young person. The taster sessions will take place over a period of a few weeks and if we can meet the needs of the student and there is a suitable vacancy a placement could be offered.

Students can start at any time during the year if there is a vacancy available.

Please note we require a referral from the Local Authority before any visits can take place.

Admissions Process

As above, before any visits can take place we will need a referral from your Local Authority.

Please speak to them first if you are interest in a place with us.

They will send us a copy of your child’s Education Health & Care Plan along with any other relevant documents.

The paperwork will be assessed by the Admissions Team at the first opportunity and, if the school feels they can meet the student’s needs, we will contact your Local Authority to arrange visits, interviews and taster days.

Who do I contact?

Louise Harris is our Admissions & Referral Secretary and will be your point of contact.  She is available by phone on 01342 810268 or by email

News & Stories

Brinsbury College

Please see the links below for the upcoming Taster Day and Open Morning at Brinsbury college. Tuesday 18th February 2025 9.30am till 2.30pm:

Gingerbread Houses – 12/12/24

Once again our students have made their gingerbread houses this year! These are full of creativity, took time and patience and….a huge amount of resistance from eating the

Annual Christmas Fair – 11/12/24

On Friday 6th December we held our annual Christmas Fair! This included a fantastic raffle and a number of creative stalls. Lots of fun was

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